Lesemål og lesemål. Allerede første måned gikk planen rett ad undas! Men jeg er i alle fall ferdig med Alias Grace, fascinerende lesing forresten, og har startet på Good Omens av Terry Pratchett og Neil Gaiman sammen med Ina og Marianne.
Good Omens er humoristisk fantasy, og baksideteksten forteller:
People have been predicting the end of the world almost from its very beginning, som it's only natural to be sceptical when a new date is set for Judgemnet Day. This time though, the armies of Good and Evil really do appear to be massing. The four Bikers of the Apocalypse are hitting the road. But both angels and demons - well, one fast-living demond and a somewhat fussy angel - would quite like the Rapture not to happen.
And someone seems to have misplaced the Antichrist...
Jeg har kun lest forordet, og smakebiten er derfra:
People say: What was it like writing Good Omens?
And we say: We were just a couple of guys, okay?
We still are. It was a summer job.We had a great time doing it, we split the money in half, and we swore never to do it again. We didn't think it was important.
s. 11